Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lost In Translation:

Colossians 1:12-13
"Giving thanks unto the Father … 13Who hath … translated [us] into the kingdom …"

If you or I were to visit a foreign country, we would eventually experience the language barrier. This is where our world and their world collide. We may use a phrase that is common to us, but leaves them completely confused! Translation failure can cause a breakdown in the relationship you are attempting to form. The same happens in our relationship with God.

There is no perversion, greed, envy, or hatred in God's Kingdom. We are natives of sin, and those ideas feel natural. But they don't translate.

To be the people God has called us to be, we've got to allow those things to be lost in translation. Our relationship with God decays when we drag those old ideas into this new Kingdom, so we must learn a new language. We must begin using the Heavenly language and allow things that don't please Him to be lost in translation.

Romans 12:2
Philippians 4:8
1 Corinthians 13

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